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Customer testimonial: Gilles Gaillard, Manager

For many years now, our establishment has been out of the running for the departmental flower award. We bought Biopratic planters in 2018 to enable our residents to be at the right height, to plant and care for flowers, vegetables or small fruit. The watering system is very clever. And the colourful look of the planters brightens up the entrance to the Residence.”


Customer testimonial: Dominique Gelmini, Manager

“The BIOPRATIC planters have many advantages, irrespective of the quality of their presentation and performance:

  • – Enhancing the look of our outdoor spaces with a choice of colours, and with the right advice, you can also select plants that don’t need too much water that flower all year round,
  • – It saves time because watering is programmed automatically,
  • – It saves water because rainwater is collected,
  • – The savings thanks to the programmed solar-powered watering.


All these qualities mean it is well worth the investment.


You can see ours on our website:


…now, don’t hesitate to call or write to:


Fabrice Ferrari CEO | | 06 18 88 00 95 “

Primary and nursery schools in Ruy-Montceau (38)

Customer testimonial: Anne Delezenne, Head Teacher of the Kimmerling primary school in Montceau

“In our school, two Biopratic planters were installed by the town hall: one in the nursery school and one in the elementary school. The equipment design is attractive and original as is the technology used: solar panels supplying the energy required to power an automatic watering pump. The planters are well suited to the school timetable: they don’t need anyone to be present outside opening times for watering. The main attraction lies in the fact that children can observe the development of plants on a daily basis during break time: from time to time they smell the leaves of aromatic herbs, taste a strawberry on their return from the summer holidays, observe the changing colour of cherry tomatoes, etc. They ask questions and become familiar with gardening vocabulary. The height of the planters make for easy maintenance and a succession of plants depending on the season. I recommend it, especially for the automatic watering which saves time and water.”


Customer testimonial: Alain Redon, Head Teacher of the elementary school in Ruy


“Two Biopratic planters were installed in our school last spring by the town hall. They give a pleasant look to the school entrance. Since then, the students have been able to observe the changes to the plants. We have not had any problems with watering or maintenance since they were installed. In addition, the installer, Mr. Ferrari carried out the work and follow-up in an efficient and pleasant manner.”

Retirement home at the hospital campus in Givors (69)

Customer testimonial: Corinne Chavanoud, Supervisor

“The planters and suitable for both able-bodied individuals and those in wheelchairs, they add a pop of colour to our gardens with their bright colours. They are autonomous thanks to their solar panel, no need for watering except during heatwaves, and you just have to check the water tank during this time. The size for gardening is ample. These planters are at home both outdoors and indoors and we chose to install them outside. If we have the slightest concern, Mr. Ferrari is on hand to help us or offer advice:”

Independent living residences in Savoie (73)

Customer testimonial: Géraldine Poitou, Supervisor of the La Monferine independent living residence (Barby)

“We have been able to garden with people in the residence. Easy to access for wheelchair users, limited watering, quick harvesting. Planting of salad leaves, tomatoes, flowers, beans, strawberries, cucumbers and even courgettes.”

Senior care home (MARPA) in Lauzes (46)

Customer testimonial: Fabrice Vincendeau, Manager

“The raised planters are fully suitable for our residents The right height enables them to sow, plant, harvest without any problems.

We don’t have to worry about watering as the system has worked very well.

The residents have taken part, with regular monitoring, advice and harvesting. They now know their way around and go back to the planter spontaneously. Working with plants has stayed with them and it’s a pleasure to see them preparing their vegetable basket. We have harvested tomatoes, salad leaves, strawberries, parsley and basil. And we have flowers the whole year long! There is no need for additional watering, despite the occasional high temperatures.

A great experience that we will repeat in the coming weeks.”

Flower committee in Villereversure (01)

Customer testimonial: Chantal Bolomier, secretary of the flower committee in Villereversure

“The Biopratic raised planters have undeniably made a positive contribution to the Villereversure flower committee and the local area, saving time by eliminating the task of watering, making weeding “at height” and maintenance easier, adding pops of colour that are much appreciated by local residents, and making a contribution to the environment.

These benefits were noted by the departmental flower panel when it visited us in August 2019.”

Sainte Clémence School in La Ricamarie (42)

Customer testimonial: Isabelle Defours, Head of the school

“The teaching team at the Sainte Clémence school has been very concerned about environmental issues for a long time. Our school is an establishment in the town centre with a very urban student body and the children very rarely have the opportunity to visit green spaces and many of them had never seen a vegetable garden.

We were able to meet these two requirements by installing BIOPRATIC planters. We created environmentally friendly, educational gardens. The children are thrilled, they often congregate around them during breaks to remove weeds and observe the changes to their plants closely. We planted strawberries and everyone was able to enjoy them. . We also harvested radishes, which some children tasted for the first time and thanks to our carrots, we made carrot cakes.

Our playground has been brightened up thanks to these 4 planters and the children are very proud to show them off to their parents. It is a great project for our school.”

Our references

Our different colours and finishes

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